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Pair 5 - Barbara Mackay / Leigh Dominikovich
Place this match: 3, Percentage: 59.09%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 2519: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache3NT N4H71001986%  
Board 2619: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache3D W5C8-1001150%  
Board 2719: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache3S NKH9-140941%  
Board 2819: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache4D NAS910029%  
Board 2919: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache1NT ETD91501464%  
Board 3019: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache5H S3S12-4801255%  
Board 3119: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache4H E6D104201777%  
Board 3219: Wendy Tollemache / Ronny Tollemache5C NTS11-4002091%  

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