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Pair 6 - Carmel Denaro / Pam Ruppin
Place this match: 21, Percentage: 30.68%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 252: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue2H NQD750418%  
Board 262: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue4H EKS8-20015%  
Board 272: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohuePASS N=01150%  
Board 282: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue2S S6H8-1101150%  
Board 292: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue3H S3C11-200836%  
Board 302: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue5C SAS9100314%  
Board 312: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue4H SQS11-65015%  
Board 322: Philip Thompson / Molly O'donohue3H N3C8501568%  

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